Date of Publication : 30, Jun, 2022
Nursing process is a framework used to provide an effective, coordinated, and organized quality care for patients, which result in improved quality of care and decrease potential complication, hospital length of stay, and cost of care. This study sought to investigate the determinants of inadequate utilization of Nursing process among registered Nurses in State Hospital, Abeokuta, Ogun state, Nigeria. This descriptive cross-sectional study involves 105 consenting respondents purposively selected among Registered Nurses in State Hospital, Abeokuta. A pretested semi structured interviewer administered questionnaire was used to obtain information from the respondents. Data were entered into SPSS version 25 and analyzed using descriptive statistics, Chi-square test and logistic regression model with level of significance set at 5%. Data were presented using frequency distribution tables and pie chart. Majority (82.9%) of the respondents were females, 66.7% were married, 33.3 % had completed their BNSc education. Eighty percent had good knowledge score, while 76.2% had good perception score. Eighty nine (89.5) percent confirmed that there was irregular in-service training on nursing process, resulting in inadequate utilization. More than 80% affirmed that there was shortage of nursing staff in the facility and 81.0% confirmed that Nursing process supervision with specific instructions mandating the use of nursing process in the facility were inadequate. There was significant relationship between perception of nursing process utilization and nurses’ years of experience, rank and qualifications (p< 0.05). Though, utilization of Nursing process was inadequate due to shortage of staff, irregular in-service training, lack of adequate supervision, and low level of commitment on the part of nurses, still, registered nurses’ knowledge and perception of nursing process was said to be good.
Keywords: Determinants, Inadequate utilization, Nursing process, Registered nurses,
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Author(s), AGBONJINMI, Lawrence Adewale, AYORINDE, Adebola Margaret, GBENGA-EPEBINU, Mary Ayodeji, OLADEJO-ALGHAZAL Shakirat Modupe , (2022). “Determinants of Inadequate Utilization of Nursing Process among Registered Nurses in State Hospital Abeokuta, Ogun State”. Name of the Journal: Euro Global Contemporary Studies Journal, (EGCSJ.COM), P, 1- 12. DOI:, Issue: 3, Vol.: 2, Article: 1, Month: June, Year: 2022. Retrieved from
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ThoughtWares Consulting & Multi Services International (TWCMSI) – 2.3 – 2022 – 1 – Determinants of Inadequate Utilization of Nursing Process among Registered Nurses in State Hospital Abeokuta, Ogun StateKeywords :