Date of Publication : 15, Apr, 2021
Date Of Acceptance : 5 April, 2021
Author: OPE-BABADELE, O.O. (RN, M.Sc.)
Area of research / Subject: Factors Contributing to Increased Utilization of Traditional Birth Attendants Among Pregnant Women in Illah Community of Oshimili North Local Government Area, Delta State
The study was conducted on factors contributing to increased utilisation of traditional birth attendants among pregnant women in Illah community of Oshimili North Local Government Area of Delta State. A descriptive cross-sectional design was adopted for this study. Convenience sampling method was used to select 110 respondents in the nine quarters. A self-designed questionnaire was used for data collection. The research instrument was validated was validated by experts of Nursing Science and Tests & Measurement. Reliability of the instrument was tested using Cronbach’s Alpha to determine internal consistency of the instrument. The value of 0.70 was gotten. Descriptive statistics was used to answer the research questions while inferential statistics of chi-square was used to test the hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The findings revealed that majority 83(75.5%) had good perception about TBA service utilization while 27(24.5%) had poor perception. Also, 70(63.6%) delivered in a healthcare facility, 25(22.7%) delivered with TBAs, 11(10.0%) delivered in religious centres while 4(3.6%) delivered at home. Regarding factors affecting utilization of TBA services, handling of spiritual attack was identified by respondents 95(86.4%) as the most important factor influencing their utilization of TBA service for delivery followed by cheaper cost which was identified by 82(74.5%) women. Results of hypotheses showed that there was no significant association between respondents’ perception, as well as socio-demographic data and their utilization of TBA services for delivery. Also, no significant association existed between respondents’ TBA service utilization and perceived factors affecting utilization of TBA services for delivery. It was recommended among others that government should regulate the activities of the TBAs and develop a framework that specify the roles and job descriptions of TBAs as well as instituting sanctions where necessary to prevent any attempt to practice outside their jurisdiction.
Keywords: Utilization, Traditional Birth Attendant, Pregnant Women,
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Author(s), OPE-BABADELE, O.O. (RN, M.Sc.), OJO, E.A. (RN, MSC), GBADAMOSI, O. (RN, MSC), KONYEME, N.D. (RN, BNSC), (2021). “Factors Contributing to Increased Utilization of Traditional Birth Attendants Among Pregnant Women in Illah Community of Oshimili North Local Government Area, Delta State”. Name of the Journal: Euro Global Contemporary Studies Journal, (EGCSJ.COM), P, 27- 37. DOI: , Issue: 1, Vol.: 1, Article: 3, Month: April, Year: 2021. Retrieved from
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ThoughtWares Consulting & Multi Services International (TWCMSI) – 1.1 – 2021 – 3 – Factors Contributing to Increased Utilization of Traditional Birth Attendants Among Pregnant Women in Illah Community of Oshimili North Local Government Area, Delta StateKeywords : Utilization, Traditional Birth Attendant, Pregnant Women,
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